• Self Publishing Workshops


The How To Self Publish Workshop

Do you have a book in you? Or have you already written one and don’t know what to do next?

Have you heard the term self-publishing but don’t really know what it’s about and want to find out more?

I’ve put together a practical workshop that will give you the information and tools you need to launch your finished product onto the market.

Whether you have written fiction or non-fiction, a biography or your memoir, I can help. Although I will have no input into your writing I can advise you how best to prepare your manuscript for publication.

And this is key, because in today’s highly competitive market turning out a quality product is essential. While there are many areas where you can, and should, spend your money the actual act of publishing your book doesn’t need to be one of them. I can show you where you can save money as well as give advice on where you should spend it.

The How to Self-Publish Workshop will cover:

  • What you need to prepare before you publish
    • I will cover the preparation of your manuscript, editing, proofreading, cover design and formatting as well as the extras – writing the blurb, copyright, taglines and much, much more.
  • Publishing your ebook
    • I will take you step by step through the process covering details such as ASIN’s and ISBN’s, keywords and table of contents.
  • How to produce a paperback
    • I will show you how once you have your manuscript written you can make your book available through Print on Demand at no extra cost.
  • The first steps in marketing
    • You may already be social media savvy or you may not but I will give you a guide to the most commonly used platforms and how to spread the word about your books. I will cover websites and blogs, those all important reviews and how to get them.

Refreshments will be provided including a light lunch at the end over which there will be an opportunity for further questions and discussion.

This workshop will give you a valuable insight into the self-publishing world, guidance on how to proceed, as well as hints and tips along the way.

 If you are interested in attending this workshop please drop me an email (mary@threeshirespublishing.com) to discuss the details as I run them by arrangement.



The How To Sell Your Books Workshop

Okay so I’m going to approach this gently with you because this one is all about…shhhh, I’ll whisper it…. marketing. No! Don’t look away! I can see you. A big sigh, a shrug of your shoulders and I know you’re thinking, that’s not for me. I don’t want to do marketing because I am a writer.

Well I’m here to tell you that if you ever want to sell a book you need to be doing this stuff, and all of it, because believe me selling books is far harder than writing them.

Don’t be fooled either into thinking you’ll avoid this by going down the route of traditional publishing where there’ll be a whole marketing department waiting with open arms to do it all for you. That, is a myth. Even if you want to have your book published traditionally you will be expected to arrive at your publishers with a platform already (don’t know what one of those looks like? Then you need to come to this workshop.)

I know you’re not keen because I was once exactly the same which is why I have priced this workshop at a lower rate because I know you’re not going to want to do it. I know you’re wanting to write, I know you’re wanting to get to the good stuff, to the actual publishing bit (see above!) But… and it’s a big but, do this first, get the interest in your work growing and then when you do publish something there will be people waiting to receive it. Honestly.

Build it, and they will come…

The How to Sell Your Books Workshop will cover:

  • Websites and Blogs
    • I will go through what you need if you choose to have a website and all about blogs and blogging. (If you don’t know what a blog is, you need to come to this workshop.)
  • Social Media
    • I will cover the use of various social media sites such as Twitter (including, of course, hashtags!) and Facebook as well as how to behave on social media in order to gain friends and followers.
  • Getting visible
    • This is a constant battle but I will go through some of the ways via sharing sites etc. that will help to get your books noticed.
  • Reviewers and Book Bloggers
    • Books need reviews and you need potential readers to see you so I will show you how to approach the wonderful reviewers and book bloggers that there are out there.

Refreshments will be provided including a light lunch at the end over which there will be an opportunity for further questions and discussion.

This workshop will give you a lot of guidance on how to start building your author platform and if you are planning on publishing something at some point in the future, if that is your end goal then you need to be doing this well before you get to that point – believe me!

If you are interested in attending this workshop please drop me an email (mary@threeshirespublishing.com) to discuss the details as I run them by arrangement.

